
How Do CILs and VR Agencies Work Together? CIL-VR Agency Collaborations for Out-of-School Youth with Disabilities from Minority Backgrounds


  • Start : 2022/03/22 15:00
  • End : 2022/03/22 16:30

This brief summarizes results from interviews with staff from seven CILs and an analysis of VR agency program administrative data to consider CIL-VR collaborations. Overall, this brief points to the potential ways that staff from CILs and VR agencies can work with each other. VR agencies and CILs can play complementary roles in supporting transitions, and coordination between the two can ensure that each leverages the other’s resources effectively to meet youth’s needs.


The goal of MY-CIL is to support NIDILRR’s priority for generating and sharing new knowledge that empowers CILs to improve transition outcomes of out-of-school youth from minority backgrounds.

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