The Road to Success: True, Meaningful Occupational Choices
In collaboration with Centers for Independent Living (CIL) partners, and Mathematica, CIDNY will convene minority youth and adult consumers with disabilities for the purposes of assessing, presenting and connecting them to services to help them achieve occupational opportunities that may lead to long-term career employment. Findings from this convening will help address a current gap […]
Advice from the Experts: Minority Youth with Disabilities Share Program Improvement Opportunities with CILs
Advice from the Experts: Minority Youth with Disabilities Share Program Improvement Opportunities with CILs On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. ET the second Minority Youth and Centers for Independent Living (MY-CIL) project webinar was held. This MY-CIL webinar highlighted findings from three focus groups held with out-of-school youth from minority backgrounds. Youth participants and […]
How Do CILs and VR Agencies Work Together? CIL-VR Agency Collaborations for Out-of-School Youth with Disabilities from Minority Backgrounds
This brief summarizes results from interviews with staff from seven CILs and an analysis of VR agency program administrative data to consider CIL-VR collaborations. Overall, this brief points to the potential ways that staff from CILs and VR agencies can work with each other. VR agencies and CILs can play complementary roles in supporting transitions, […]
Disability, Diversity, and Intersectionality in CILs
CILs are always striving to reach unserved and underserved populations and to better represent the vibrant, racial, ethnic, linguistic, and multi-cultural communities that we serve. If you would like effective, practical information on how to accomplish this at your CIL, then you simply cannot afford to miss this training. At our core, Centers for Independent […]