Circle of 5 students with disabilities talking.

The Road to Success: True, Meaningful Occupational Choices


  • Start : 2023/07/28 09:30
  • End : 2023/07/28 17:30

In collaboration with Centers for Independent Living (CIL) partners, and Mathematica, CIDNY will convene minority youth and adult consumers with disabilities for the purposes of assessing, presenting and connecting them to services to help them achieve occupational opportunities that may lead to long-term career employment. Findings from this convening will help address a current gap in the literature and contribute to a better understanding of how to support the career and employment goals of this population.

The goal of MY-CIL is to support NIDILRR’s priority for generating and sharing new knowledge that empowers CILs to improve transition outcomes of out-of-school youth from minority backgrounds.

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